Flood Defenses – More Details

Having attended the one of the public consultation events regarding the new flood defense proposals, I can state that changes are afoot in Chester Green.  An impressive amount of work has gone into these defences and comments are currently open on the planning application site for around another week (see neighbour comment link at the bottom of this page)

I’ve looked through the documents and although parking, tennis courts and the bowling green all move around, they have all been retained, and Little Chester gets more of a walled city feel, due to the new defences.  Well, it works for York…..;-)

Useful documents are linked below:

Good overviews and pictures can be found in the Design and Access docs:

More detailed drawings can also be found, which are useful for looking at where tennis courts etc. are moved to:

Also, there are some great details of the local archeology:

Have a look and let us, and the council, know what you think!

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