This should already be with you, but here’s a link to June’s newsletter. A huge thanks to the small number of local volunteers that make these events happen and make Little Chester the Oasis in the City that it truly is!

We’re hoping for the 1st Cafe on the Green of the season (the last two have been rained off!) on Saturday 10th June
There’s Rhian’s infamous Quiz night on Firday 16th June, too. This is always a popular event, so make sure you arrive early!
The Chester Green Library continues to give out (and accept) free books for anyone that’s interested.
The City Road Improvement Project is starting to make real progress. Hopefully a few of you made it to the last meeting! More updates as we get them.
The Aida/Bliss/Haslam’s Factory site has been sold to Damien Walters/MARV Studios! (not in the newsletter, but it was signed off on Monday 5th June!)
More included in this month’s exciting edition of the newsletter!