Attached below is this month’s newsletter (which is coming to you in printed form as we speak!) Lots of up and coming events this month including the excellent Halloween Disco at the Community Centre (always a great event!)
Chester Green Events Team are also running the Chester Green XMas Window Trail again this year (after last year’s very successful pilot!) We had BBC Radio Derby feature us live on a morning slot and it was a great little advert for our area 🙂 If you’d like to be involved this year (you’ll be included on a little map), then do get in touch.
On a more serious note, the newsletter gives updates on the Aida Bliss factory and how we’re continuing to try and convince the owners to make the building safe (as we have been doing for many months, now) and also news that the incinerator on Alfreton Road has been recommended for approval by the council planning officer, even though there are over 400 objections (although the actual planning meeting was put back for some reason). The council planning seem to be more concerned with local residents using correct materials when replacing doors and windows, and turning down extensions, than they are with dangerous buildings (allowing the Aida Bliss building to remain in its current state) and potentially air polluting waste incinerators. Is our conservation area status and council planning really fit for purpose? If you’ve had issues with the council planners, I’d like to hear from you.