Chester Green Rainbow Guides has places available for girls aged 5 & 6 and a waiting list for younger girls.
We meet from 5-6pm on Tuesday (term time only) at Chester Green Community Centre, City Road.
Rainbows are the youngest members of Girl Guides (before Brownies).
Rainbow meetings are full of games & activities which allow Rainbows to think for themselves – it’s an opportunity to complete the Rainbow programme to look, learn, laugh and love, but mainly Rainbows have fun!
Membership of Girlguiding UK is voluntary and is open to any girl, regardless of faith, race, culture, nationality or any other circumstance, provided she is able to understand and willing to make the Rainbow Promise:
I promise that I will do my best to love my God and to be kind and helpful.
Fees (subs) are only £10 per half term.
Chester Green Rainbow Guides has places available for girls aged 5 & 6 and a waiting list for younger girls. Please phone for further info or to secure a place, or you could come to our next meeting.
For further information, please contact Thea (Badger) on 07912 656537 or
01332 209225