Public Meeting About Water Main Burst 27th March

Councillor Lisa Eldret has arranged a meeting for this Monday evening 27/3/17 6.30 pm at Centurion Walk Community Room, Old Chester Rd.for residents to come along and discuss any concerns about the recent incident.  Representatives from Severn Trent will be attending.

Residents in the affected roads have been notified about the meeting and it is open to any residents.  Ward Councillors will be doing a walkabout between 5.45pm and 6.30pm before attending the meeting.

LCRA March Newsletter

You’ll have received your printed copies by now, but below is the March newsletter from the residents association.

Newsletter March 2017

In more recent news, here’s the latest update from the Cathedral School, bringing the prospect of a local secondary school for Chester Green a little closer!

Also, do note the Annual General Meeting for St. Paul’s Pre-School on 27th March, 7.30pm, in St. Paul’s Church Hall.  They’re always looking for new people to join the committee – why not come along and help support this excellent local pre-school (recently rated ‘good’ by Ofsted).