We have been informed today that Miller Homes have decided not to submit updated plans, but instead they are appealing to Bristol to grant them planning permission, bypassing our council (and the conservation advisory committee) altogether. Therefore, it is now vitally important that you view the current plans (in the campaign section of this site) and send any objections you have to The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/02, Kite Wing, Templekey House, 2 The Square, Templekey, Bristol, BS1 6PN – You must send three copies, quoting reference numbers C/1055/E/05/1179963 and APP/C1055/A/05/1177564. Alternatively, you could send us your objections via email, and we’ll forward them on for you.

Open Garden – Sunday 12th June

John & Joan D’Arcy will be holding an open garden event (i.e. come along and have a nosy……. 🙂 in aid of the Nightingale Macmillan Unit. You can go along from 11am till 6pm to Stone House Prebend (at the end of Old Chester Rd). Admission is £2 (under 14’s go free). There will also be refreshments, a Bric-a-Barc stall, cake stall and a tombola.

Chester Green Play Area – Opinions wanted!

The council will be putting up a fence round the new play area on the green next week, and the council are now thinking of putting in a path from the play area to the edge of the Green. However, before doing this, they have asked the LCRA to gather any public opinion on the matter. So, are you for or against a path (it will be 1.2 metres wide with a timber border and inset gravel), or do you have any other suggestions/objections regarding the new play area. If so, you can find more information, and voice your opinions in the forum thread here.

Where have the Bins gone?

You may have noticed that the recycling bins that used to be in the Coach and Horses car park have been taken away. This, according to the council, is because of the houses that are to be built on the site (although the owner seems happy to leave it as a pile of rubble for now!). However, the council are looking for another site for the bins but, as yet, have been unsuccessful in their search. If you have any suggestions, post them in the forum, or let the council know by calling Street Care on 01332 715000 (the StreetCare web page can be found here).

Grants and Cameras Available to Fight Crime

As was reported here, the Allestree and Darley Abbey Crime Prevention Group has been awarded a £2,250 grant from the Council’s Area Panel Five to buy portable closed-circuit television cameras and shed alarms. The cameras can be loaned out to residents who have been the victims of persistent anti-social behaviour (e.g. GRAFFITI!!!) or crime. Anyone in favour of this could give us their views in the forum and we will look into getting some of this funding or access to these cameras for Chester Green……