Darley Abbey History Group Talks

January and February history group talks are:

  • January 17th 2014
    Annual General Meeting and talk: “Derby Boarding Schools for Girls”
    Presented by Liz Keeley
  • February 21st 2014
    “The Fosse Dyke” presented by Ian Morgan
All meetings start at 7.30pm and are held in Darley Abbey Village Hall, Abbey Yard off New Road, Darley Abbey,, DE22 1DS
There is a charge of £1 for members of the Historical Group and £2 for visitors.
For further information contact Sheila Hartle on 01332 557597.

St Paul’s Church XMas Services

A message from Michael Mitton:

As we enter the last few days before Christmas, this is just a reminder of our services:

Christmas Eve:  11pm  Midnight Mass – a Communion Service by candlelight with carols – for about an hour, seeing in Christmas Day at midnight.

Christmas Morning:  10am  This year we are having a special Christmas Soul Sanctuary.  Come at 10am and Richard and I will be serving you coffee and muffins (we are both celebrating the arrival of grandsons in the last few days!).  We will have time together thinking about the meaning of the Christmas story for us this year.  We then gather around the communion table for a short Communion Service.  And I am hoping many of you will have opened some of your presents by 10am, and will come and show them to us!

All are most welcome to these services,

In the last few weeks at St.Paul’s we have shared together in celebrating the arrival of new babies to church families, but as a family, we have also felt the loss of dear friends, and a number of people are struggling with illness at the moment. It is the human mix of joy and sorrow, light and darkness, life and death, and it is a comfort to know that God himself knew all of this as he entered our world in that cradle in Bethlehem.  May his presence be with each of us in this special season

with best wishes
