The planning application appears to be in for the additional ‘vehicular access’ part of the plans. The planning reference number is 09/07/01696 and it can be viewed on the e-planning site here
The consulation letters have gone out to a very small number of neighbours, so please do add your comments by clicking at the bottom of the page linked above 😉 Without this vehicular access planning consent, I don’t think the build can go ahead. Do we have parking for another 3 houses and 5 flats on camp street?
The plans for the houses and flats can be found here. Note there were 15 letters of objection to these plans. It was still granted.
However, condition 6 states:
6) No dwellings shall be occupied until, after the granting of planning permission, a vehicle access / egress has been installed on Mansfield Road to serve the remaining public house car park. Precise details of the layout of the remaining car park shall also be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.