I received this message from a local resident. If you’re interesting in helping with speed calming, please have a read!
Myself and some other volunteers have kindly been trained up by PC Ali Mudasar to assist with the local Community Speed Watches.
We have done a session on City Road and yes, lots of people were speeding – even with us stood there, clearly identified, in high visibility vests, pointing the speed gun at them, with a Police Officer at our side, they were still speeding… even when they thought they’d slowed down enough! To top it off, even the Council’s StreetPride vehicles were speeding (in fact, they continue to be some of the worst offenders.) 20mph is a LOT slower than most people realise, and a lot slower than people are going.
Unfortunately, there’s only three of us at present, covering the whole of this chunk of Derby, and I’m the only one from Chester Green. Although I gather many volunteers had asked to be trained up, I understand we’re the only ones who’ve actually committed to do the work after training. More volunteers who’re genuinely willing to get trained up and give a commitment (i.e. at least one SpeedWatch per month) would *really* help!
If you’re interested, please contact: PC Mudasar Ali, details on this webpage – http://www.derbyshire.police.
uk/My-Local-Police/DDivision/ DerbyNorthSection/Allestree- and-Darley/Allestree-and- Darley.aspx