….to check that this thing is working is to wish Hannah L a very happy 16th Birthday for the 26th April 😉
Monthly Archives: April 2005
Council Rejects Unpopular Flats Planned for Mickleover
Residents in Mickleover have caused the plans to build 20 flats and four new shops to be rejected. 11 people had officially complained to the council regarding the build and, he said “We have refused it because it was an over-intensive, over-dominant form of development. This was in terms of height and the impact it would have caused to nearby properties. It would also have detracted from the appearance of the nearby conservation area.” The full story can be found here and is potentially encouraging as these are some of the points we raised in our report about the Aida/Bliss Development.
What a load of Bollards
There will be new bollards at the end of Marcus Street and Chester Green Road “in the next couple of weeks”, according to the council. These are not of the same style as others round the green, but we are to understand that we may get these eventually (when some are found!!!)
House Prices
Fancy knowing how much you house is worth. Nethouseprices.com will tell what every house in your street sold for in the last five years……very handy. Basic information is free (i.e. selling price etc.), and more detailed info is available for a fee. All links open in a separate page.
More Wheely Bins for Chester Green
As can be seen in the Evening Telegraph article here, Chester Green is soon to be getting more wheely bins. To quote from here, “Where it operates, people have a brown bin for garden rubbish, black bin for general household waste and either blue boxes or bins for plastic, glass and tins. There is also a pink bag for textiles and blue bag for recyling newspapers.” Apparantly it is to start in July.
News RSS Feed Available
Aida Bliss Building Plans
Not really any news, basically we are all waiting for Miller Homes to submit ammended plans. When they do, we will let everyone know and post updated images of the plans on this site.
New Park for Chester Green
As you will all have noticed, the park on Chester Green is being refurbished. A fence will surround the park (green painted steel), and the tempory path that has appeared will be covered over with grass again when it’s finished.
Forum Added to the Site
Check out the new forum which will be accessable from the menu on the left shortly. Use it to post any news, views, questions or just have a good old gossip! If it’s not on the menu yet, you can access it here