July 2023 Newsletter – Out Now!

The July 2023 newsletter is out now! As always, packed with exciting news and announcements!

Picnic on the Green is at 1pm – 6pm, Sunday 16th July! As always, there’s lots planned for the totally free event.

The Aida/Bliss/Haslam factory has been sold to Damien Walters/MARV studios and is now embarking on the exciting journey of plans for renovating the site…hooray. More details at: https://tinyurl.com/CGMarv23

The next Cafe on the Green is on Saturday, 15th July (10am – 12pm).

On 3pm Saturday 22nd July, the Tedesca Quartet are playing in St. Paul’s Church, Chester Green.

All this and more in this month’s newsletter!

June 2023 Newsletter

This should already be with you, but here’s a link to June’s newsletter. A huge thanks to the small number of local volunteers that make these events happen and make Little Chester the Oasis in the City that it truly is!

We’re hoping for the 1st Cafe on the Green of the season (the last two have been rained off!) on Saturday 10th June

There’s Rhian’s infamous Quiz night on Firday 16th June, too. This is always a popular event, so make sure you arrive early!

The Chester Green Library continues to give out (and accept) free books for anyone that’s interested.

The City Road Improvement Project is starting to make real progress. Hopefully a few of you made it to the last meeting! More updates as we get them.

The Aida/Bliss/Haslam’s Factory site has been sold to Damien Walters/MARV Studios! (not in the newsletter, but it was signed off on Monday 5th June!)

More included in this month’s exciting edition of the newsletter!

April 2023 Newsletter

Well, how organised am I this month? The April newsletter is making its way to you in paper form as we speak! Included in this month’s edition:

  • There are details of this, and future months’ Chester Green Ents Team events (Bingo this month!)
  • The 2nd sign of spring (the 1st is the daffodils), the Cafe on the Green is back on April 1st….hooray!
  • There are details on how to get involved in this year’s well dressing (we’re the only area in Derby to carry on this Derbyshire tradition as far as we know).
  • There are updated details on a few proposed developments in the area (Aida/MARV studios, The Duke of Clarence and 12-14 Mansfield Road flats).
  • The latest Little Chester History Group talk, all the goings on at St. Paul’s Church and much more in this exciting issue!
An Evening with Seckou Keita – 19th May at St. Paul’s Church, Chester Green.
Tickets available at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-evening-with-seckou-keita-tickets-583839338177?aff=eand

March (and Feb!) Newsletters

Attached are the March (and February) Newsletters. Plenty going on this month, so do have a look. Locals should receive the printed copy in the next few days!

We’ve got Easter Bingo coming back at the beginning of April. The Cafe on the Green is also back, and there are updates on the City Road improvement project (CityGate Project) and updates on the Cricket Pavillion and other local improvement work. There is also another local history society talk on 16th March!

December 2022 Newsletter

My apologies, I forgot to upload this. However, you should all have had the paper copies before 1st December!

NEWS ALERT: We’ve just been alerted that Our City Our River are holding a public consultation on the Heritage and Interpretation programme that’s going to happen in Chester Green. This is the first stage of our plans to provide a comprehensive trail of sculptural interpretation focusing on the riches of Little Chester roman and industrial history, World Heritage Site (WHS) and conservation area. This will be on Thursday 15th December between 2pm and 5pm at the Community Centre.

There’s lots already happened in Chester Green this December, with a fantastic lights switch on (wasn’t it busy!) after the Church’s Christingle service.

The Christmas Window trail is now on (although not all windows are quite ready yet!) plenty is happening in the run-up to Christmas!

The on-line Christmas Tree map can be found at: https://tinyurl.com/CGXmasWindows2022 and the ‘find the pud’ helper app (if you’re struggling to track it down for the competition (see the PDF map for details!) can be found at  tinyurl.com/HuntThePud 

November 2022 Newsletter

After a fabulous Halloween Disco and the final Cafe on the Green of the year in October, what have we got in store for November in Little Chester?

Well, firstly a MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who donated to keep the newsletter going. We raised £295 which is enough to keep the newsletter going for another year….hooray!

We’ve the first Chester Green Christmas Market, on 19th November and the annual Chester Green Christmas Lights switch on on the 4th December, which also marks the start of the Chester Green Christmas Window Trail. If you’d like to be included on the map, do let us know by 6th November.

There’s lots more going on, and updates on local projects in this month’s newsletter which can be downloaded below:

October 2022 Newsletter

You should have this delivered by now, but here’s the electronic version if you’d like it! As always, lots of news and updates about all things Little Chester/Chester Green including:

  • City Road Gateway Project to help improve the look of the end of City Road (gateway to the Little Chester Conservation area and World Heritage Buffer Zone) on October 10th at 7 pm in Centurian Walk Common Room.
  • Details of the infamous Community Centre Halloween Disco
  • How to sign up for the Chester Green Christmas Window trail
  • A request for donations to keep the newsletter going (authoring the newsletter and delivery is carried out by unpaid volunteers, but we do have printing costs, although these are also subsidised by the University of Derby)
  • Updates on the MARV Studios Haslam Foundry project
  • Updates on the planning application to demolish the historic Duke of Clarence public house
  • Date of the last Cafe on the Green of the season (22nd October).
  • …and more!

Download the Newsletter here:

September 2022 Newsletter

After a busy August with, among other things, the 1st ever Chester Green Arts Trail and Jazz on the Green, we now look to September! There’s the ever-popular Chester Green Entertainment Team’s Quiz Night, updates on the MARV studio developments of the Haslam’s Foundry site and more! Download using the link below!

August 2022 (and July!) Newsletter(s)

So much was covered in these newsletters with both the Picnic on the Green and Jazz on the Green going ahead in spite of unexpected ‘visitors’ to the green twice in the space of three weeks!

Both events were a huge success, and thanks to all the locals who organised these, and also all the residents that came and supported them, too! Lots more to look forward to in August, including the regular scarecrow festival, Cafe on the Green and the first ever Chester Green Arts Trail!